Chairman’s Word

Dear Parents and Students;

Education in “El Rowad American College” is a process that extends beyond the four walls of a classroom. Our target in “El Rowad American College” is to build a self-confident student.

This self-confidence can be seen in various ways; in a child scoring a goal at a soccer game or in a student with creative invention in a science fair. Hence, education in “El Rowad American College” is enjoyable based on active participation rather than traditional approaches.

In “El Rowad American College” we are dedicated to instilling this confidence. That’s why we devised a special technique called “El Rowad Advantage”.

This technique dives into your child’s character searching for the points of strength to foster them and the points of weakness to improve them by paying individual attention to every student’s needs and providing certified teachers to apply this program.

Along the way, parents will receive progress reports and attend meetings to discuss the progress of their children. Whether your child needs tutoring to catch up, keep up, or go ahead “El Rowad American College” will help.

We, in “El Rowad American College” provide a healthy environment that nurtures your child’s needs in every possible aspectand that is the reason we are recommended by teachers as well as students.
