

Our website gives you a glimpse of our daily life in the school. Look around you’ll see that our teachers, administrators, and team are committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment for our students by providing the best learning opportunities for them.

Our mission is to instill in our students the foundation necessary to go out into the world as lifelong learners with a good spirit, well prepared for high school and for life.

We offer a rich educational experience that combines academic, religious, social, artistic, athletic, and extra – curricular elements to help each child develop his or her fullest potential.

Throughout this website you will find information about the special programs on both academic and extra curricula that set our primary stage. You’ll get the chance to briefly meet our dedicated teachers. You’ll find a school calendar and weekly news to keep you on the top of all that is going on in our primary stage.

We look forward to getting to know you, answer your complains and solve your problems. We thank our current parents for entrusting their children to our care and we look forward to welcoming new families to our school community in the near future.


Mr. Adel El Sheikh

Dear Parents and Students;

Our future depends on the knowledge, skills, versatility and educability of our people. Our hopes will become realities only within an integrated framework of education & human resource development designed to make each child a mature and responsible citizen. That’s what we have here in EL Rowad School.

“Education is not only received, it is achieved”

Success of our school depends primarily on the capacity of the system to encourage our children to hard work and discipline and motivate our teachers as well as on the availability of sound teaching methods, relevant curricula, and modern management techniques with better quality assurance, standards and targets.

As the general director of Al -Rowad College, I feel very proud to be a part in the huge responsibility of building the future citizen in our country Egypt. A new citizen with an innovative character, a critical thinker able to understand and accept differences A citizen who can compete in knowledge and life skills and able to learn for life and to compete globally.

As partners in this responsibility, all must join hands, the government, the society, teachers and parents to prepare this citizen. I would like to acknowledge the critical role that teachers play. They are considered the cornerstone and the role models for our students. My respect and gratitude to all teachers. Also, my warmest regards to our students and all my wishes for them to reach a promising future.

General Director

Mrs. Nesreen El sarky
